Episode 1

Focusing On The Downtrodden

Published on: 2nd June, 2021

In our spiritual journey, nurturing our innate ability to be compassionate, which is one of the five key components of our "Higher Self" allows us to expand our sense of caring to include all people.

I decided to start out our podcast focusing in on the downtrodden, because they are the forgotten ones in our society, the invisible ones.

This first meditation is on compassion. So lets begin.

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About the Podcast

Embracing Your Higher Self
Guided Meditations With Dr. Zach
HappCo CEO and founder Dr. Zach is on a mission to raise the emotional intelligence of society through guided meditation.

A meditative practice is essential to living life to the fullest. That's why the HappCo "Embracing Your Higher Self" guided meditation program is for everyone.

Each podcast episode delves deeper into the key competencies explored in Zach's book, which also serves as a companion guide to the mobile app.

Zach was an eye doctor for ten years and then a healthcare venture capitalist for over thirty years. He's helped start and run over twenty-five early stage pharma, service, device and biotech companies. You could say he knows a thing or two about healthcare!

He also knows about the amazing practice of "mindfulness". As a college student, Zach had an epiphany that allowed him to experience his higher self. Now he's on a mission to share its emotional, spiritual and mental health benefits with you.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation is the best and perhaps only way to properly defend ourselves from the negative thoughts, emotions and attachments that plague our society. Anxiety, depression, etc

The HappCo meditative program is about teaching people how to connect with and embrace their higher self.

Learn to center yourself, regain focus and clarity of mind so you can navigate life more joyfully.

Visit www.happco.com to download the free app and companion guide today! 🤗

About your host

Profile picture for Dr. Zach

Dr. Zach

Embark on a spiritual journey of guided meditations, led by a master in mindfulness and meditation, Dr. Zach. A meditative practice is essential to living life to the fullest. That's why the "Embracing Your Higher Self" guided meditation program (formerly known as Journey to Enlightenment) is for everyone!

Embracing Your Higher Self (EYHS) has 400 guided meditations that are designed to help you attain enlightenment.

When we do almost any type of meditation, we experience a taste of enlightenment as we go into the alpha state. This however, is only temporary. The real challenge is to maintain the connection with the "Higher Self" when we go about the rest of our day.

That's why we designed the EYHS program to activate the parts of the brain that create a connection with one's "Higher Self". As you progress through the program, you'll develop the skills to naturally activate these parts of your brain at will, leading to an overall state of enlightenment and well-being.

Dr. Zach, CEO & Founder of HappCo, defines enlightenment as "being able to be centered within the consciousness of your "Higher Self" for most of your day." When you achieve enlightenment, your ego-mind assumes the new role of serving your better, "Higher Self", not dominating it.

If you're ready to learn how to not only achieve, but maintain enlightenment, which can also improve your emotional, spiritual and mental health, then download the app now and let's begin!